By IceMage - 18/01/2010 00:57 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I decided to sneak into the shower at her house while her parents went out to eat and a movie. Half way through our shower we heard a knocking at the door, it was her mom. We had left all of our clothes downstairs. Safe to say I won't be allowed there any more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 647
You deserved it 39 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

realggirl 0

Wow, YDI for leaving your clothes downstairs!! What were you thinking? If they'd been up there with you you could have pretended it was just her showering!

alexis1997 0

That happend 2 me once but my girls dad kicked my ass. Through me out of the house naked


realggirl 0

Wow, YDI for leaving your clothes downstairs!! What were you thinking? If they'd been up there with you you could have pretended it was just her showering!

Minnesota people don't think ahead like that.

haha. this happened too me. expect I was babysitting and they came home from the bar early but they were drunk and my dad loves my bf so they didn't care(: yay for stoner parents!!

scotty1234 0
pattyrick4321 0

you hide in the closet, have gf say you left, have her sneak you your clothes, then sneak out

You should've made sure that her parents weren't going to be home.

GeorgeBoosh 0

Yep. Casanova was always prepared for any eventuality: clothes, time available, escape route, or just a VERY good excuse

iamgoofymovie 0

you guys are some dumbasses lol YDI

Nic_hole 0

Ha...umm well that wasn't such a bright idea

alexis1997 0

That happend 2 me once but my girls dad kicked my ass. Through me out of the house naked

Maddoctor 10

That's hilarious! I can just bet what the neighbors were thinking when they saw that.

alexis1997 0

i had to run 5 miles back home and naked

shyeahh_fml 19

Funny, his bio says he was born in '93.

What kind of idiot are you? Make sure they left the house, and have the clothes close by, so you can pretend she was taking a shower and you were reading a book :D

orph_the_d 5

Stupid much? I'd ask you wtf you were thinking but that's fairly obvious. Still, FYL for being stupid enough to flush future bootie calls right down the ol drain.

bad choice my friend ydi for just plain unpreparedness u should have been expecting something like that to happen and been ready for it

blrkingjames 0

oh wow.. very nicely planned out. I can see how it happened. mom and dad walks out the door gets to the driveway and the kids are in the shower.. oh wait moms coming back. nice job. lol fyl..