By a single fuck - 23/05/2013 16:40 - Germany - Berlin

Today, my girlfriend actually yelled, "Why are you making this all about YOU?!" after I confronted her over cheating on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 068
You deserved it 3 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sheesh OP, why'd you have to go and be all selfish?! Personal feelings? Pfft


needsagf14 12

Yeah, girls like that are super uber ******* retarded. Just saying!

The cheater is using Cheats on you bro hahaha #Mindgames

Oh if that's the case, then if you happen to have intimate pics of her, then exploit her on the Internet. now its all about her :)

Gather your testicles and forsake her, my good man

Perhaps you were not meeting her emotional needs? Hmmmm???

timss4 19

Lmao the audacity that requires is through the roof

she -yelled- it? Heeeey, if she tried to slander your name and it is hardly true, why not slander back?