Thank you for your service

By Anonymous - 08/11/2021 17:00

Today, I was pretending to be a veteran for the US Navy at a local outlet, because I was desperate for cheap stuff. All was going well, until an actual vet pointed out that the ship I had on my naval hat was a fictitious one. Shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 151
You deserved it 3 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It’s people like you that makes it harder to get what I deserve because hoops are harder to jump through. YDI

Pretty sure that’s a federal crime.


It’s people like you that makes it harder to get what I deserve because hoops are harder to jump through. YDI

Mr. Gronkowski, you can't actually believe that the Good Ship Lollipop is a US Navy vessel?

rudico67 8

Wow, you are a piece of crap and terrible human being.

Not just a low life but a stupid one as well.

Ticonderogapencils 16

You seriously have the nerve to post an FML about getting called out for stolen valor? You disgust me. You're lucky that the actual vet didn't beat the crap out of you or call the cops on you

Michael Sawyer 11

Stolen Valor: It's Still A Crime Under the 2013 law, it is a violation of federal law for someone to falsely claim military service, awards and decorations, or “embellished rank.” But what makes this a crime? The intent to get money, property, or some other benefit by making the false claim. you are a piece of crap.

phybreawptic 13
jman432 5

You do not deserve happiness. You are the reason I struggle to get a disability. You are the worst person in the world