By a single fuck - 23/05/2013 16:40 - Germany - Berlin

Today, my girlfriend actually yelled, "Why are you making this all about YOU?!" after I confronted her over cheating on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 068
You deserved it 3 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sheesh OP, why'd you have to go and be all selfish?! Personal feelings? Pfft


ileenefudge 29

It's best not to be with her. Cheaters don't change, and I know this first hand. If you let her get away with it she will do it again expecting to get away with it again so it's best to find someone who is faithful to you. And there might be a time where she ends up with someone who cheats on her and I doubt she'll like it either.

haha omg she is such a bitch. dump her!

Charlie Sheen is my hero... Pay them ho's to leave. It's way cheaper in the long run. And by ho's I mean if its a woman it's a ho.

ok, lets make it about you then. YOU cheated while in OUR relationship. YOU weren't loyal to us. YOU are a ****, and YOU are going to need to find a new place to live hoe.

Well; time to smack a bitch and move on. No one deserves to be stuck with a cheating ***** like that.

Streetracer15 9