By a single fuck - 23/05/2013 16:40 - Germany - Berlin

Today, my girlfriend actually yelled, "Why are you making this all about YOU?!" after I confronted her over cheating on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 068
You deserved it 3 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sheesh OP, why'd you have to go and be all selfish?! Personal feelings? Pfft


you should have said "fine lets make this about you, you're single"

Did she yell in German or English? This kinda questions need to answered OP!

You ********! How dare you have feelings! How dare you feel horrid about your girlfriend, who, after all, didn't do anything wrong! *note heavy sarcasm*. That sucks, OP. I'd kick her ass all the way to North Korea if I could.

bro if she is cheating on you, you should just dump her.

I like the fact that you put "Actually" in there, haha. Did she admit that she was cheating? O_o