By good friend - 27/12/2013 06:35 - United States - Missoula

Today, my friends and I had our Christmas party. I ended up being the only one sober, and had to drive each and every person home. There were 15 of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 523
You deserved it 5 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats a good thing OP, What comes around goes around

MyUsernameKatie 31

You did a great thing OP. You kept them off the roads. That very well could have saved lives, especially with 15 people drinking/drunk


Props for being the designated driver...good for you...hope they will pay you a bit for gas...

Today, I helped a blind person across the street. FML Today, I gave my seat on the bus to a pregnant woman. FML See how stupid it looks when you complain about doing a good deed?

coolboy675 16

Except this one took exceptionally more resources than your examples? Come on Doc, gas ain't cheap.

What's more expensive, petrol or 15 potential DUIs and/or hospital bills?

Giving up your seat or helping someone cross a road is a small thing that could mean a lot to someone else. Driving 14 drunk friends home is expensive, time consuming and I imagine quite frustrating if they didn't appreciate you doing it, reimburse you for fuel or realise that you'd stayed sober instead of having a drink a Christmas to look after their irresponsible asses. Of course it was the right thing to do.... But still annoying.

Well, shit. If I knew you, I'd offer to reimburse you for all that gas, because it means a great deal to me personally that you chose to not let them drink and drive. I've lost someone very close to me due to drunk driving, so I thank you, OP. You did good.

Good on you OP, we really need less drunk drivers on the road. I'm sure something amazing is up ahead for your good deed.

askullnamedbilly 33

You're definitely a good friend, but how about taking their car keys and calling them a cab next time? That'd surely save you a lot of time and money.

I don't know, I think we need more information here. Why was everyone else getting drunk? Why haven't they pooled together to get cabs? Has this happened before? Have they asked you if you could take them home before they started drinking? Because if this has happened before and nobody asked you and just assumed you would take them home, they are exploiting you and you are being a doormat. If this was the first time, a lack of communication, and everybody was thankful and apologetic, then it's awesome that they could count on you and you are indeed being a good friend. In any case, you should make sure to initiate a debate on who else is going to be a DD in the beginning of the evening next time you go out. Or just put them in cabs that they need to pay themselves for if it happens again.

Why didn't they get taxis home? Surely you'd know if you were planning on drinking at a party and arrange a way to get home? Sucks that your friends are poorly organised but well done for making sure they got home safely.

just dont do it.... if u complain about it, YDI

JMichael 25

Well at least you know that everyone made it home safely and you're the one responsible for that. Feel good OP. No one died.

appreciated! you're the one who actually saved many lives by not letting them drink & drive! Cheers mate!