By Anonymous - 15/02/2010 14:22 - United States

Today, I took my best friend to an 80's party. She drank too much and ended up puking all over the interior and exterior of my car as well as inside my right legwarmer on the 30 mile trip back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 075
You deserved it 4 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musicalibrary 4

How did she manage to puke inside your legwarmer?

it was an 80's party jackass. it was the style back then


Lawzen_Rainbow 7

fyl. I'm emitophobic. I would have passed out

i would get sick if i got puked on. thats nasty :/

you guys are probably all virgins who don't have fun in their lives

icall_BS 0

Its called pulling over and cleaning yourself. I call BS on this one.

boyguydudemalema 0

yeah, i'd pull over and let her puke beside the road or something, and if im the person puking i'd try to avoid puking on stuff like the exterior of ur bff's car, i meant ur already outside at least try not to aim at the car.

YDI for letting someone inside of your car after they puked on the outside of it.

musicalibrary 4

How did she manage to puke inside your legwarmer?

zebra_pillow 0

that's what I was thinking thes freakin nasty! *gags alittle*

I would've made her pay to get it detailed

E40_fml 0

it was an 80's party jackass. it was the style back then

lmao I was totally gonna say the exact same thing as #4 lol but as a joke lol I wear leg warmers, they're awesome lil

princess09 3
BigLostBear 0

I agree legwarmers are very HOT!

MoonyIce 0

They were at an 80's party, or did you not actually read the FML?

friends don't let friends drink to much!

ninja_ness 3

I would make her eat the vomit off my floor

I would have made her walk home or call a cab

Horney4her69 0
xundria 5

Well, it was already said... make her pay to get it detailed.