
By Anonymous - 12/07/2022 14:00

Today, my mother continues to copy everything I do. So far, she's switched to seeing my doctor, my therapist, my hairdresser, and even shopping at my preferred supermarket. I've lived independently for ten years, but I'm starting to fear for my safety. FML
I agree, your life sucks 975
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmmm.... stop telling your mother anything about your life beyond basic, "yes I am alive."

Do you have a boyfriend? That's when panic should set in.


Do you have a boyfriend? That's when panic should set in.

Sounds like you and your mother need to sit down with both your therapist at the same time and see how this can be resolved.

Hmmm.... stop telling your mother anything about your life beyond basic, "yes I am alive."

Sounds like your mom misses you and is trying to hard to be part of your life.

legally it's a conflict of interest for your therapist to also treat your mother.

Unless the therapist can do couples, or groups. It would be useful for both to see the therapist together.

A while ago, someone on reddit got a bald cap and posted pics of themself all over social media to get their copycat to shave their head while that person got to keep the hair and stop the copying. Worth a shot at least? Or get a friend to loan you some goth stuff and take several pics in several different outfits, posted spaced out over a few days, and see if your mom wastes her money on that.

let your therapist know because it's a conflict of ethics for her to see both and she may not know. put passwords on every medical account so she can't call and get into your records. actually password every account everywhere

It's so great that your therapist is seeing your mom first hand! She's going to see exactly why and how ****** up you are. Rather than hearing your biased view of your mom, the therapist can objectively observe her destructive power.

Your therapist shouldn’t let her see him/her.