By Anonymous - 12/09/2009 20:06 - United Kingdom

Today, my friend's 11 year old son accidentally shocked himself with our electric fly swatter. Thirty seconds later, while trying to prove to him that it's physically impossible to shock yourself with it, and that it's perfectly safe, I did the exact same thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 791
You deserved it 54 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Avabundy 0

Really? An electric fly swatter won't shock something if you hit it against anything? I guess its lucky your hands weren't wet.

Don't electric fly swatters have stickers on them, saying they can shock you? YDI


FireFlie07 20

Where the heck do you even get an electric fly swatter? I've never even seen one before. Is this some European thing? Because I have never seen one in any store, Including sporting/camping goods stores. Bug zappers yes, electric fly swatters no.

I have one and used it today, as a matter of fact. We got ours at Walmart, I believe. It's got plastic on the outside, so it's hard to shock yourself. You hold down the button to make it work. Then, you touch/hit a bug with it, and the bug touches the electrified wires. They spark and burn and stink. So awesome. PS. I'm American.

Beatlesndoherty 0

Wow, that was stupid on your part.

YDI for being so lazy that u need an electric swatter.. am i the only one who still uses the old fly swatters? people r just sooooo lazy nowadays....... lol

**** electric and old-school flyswatters alike. Ah goez dat Southun' way n use mahself a shotty *puts on flannel shirt, spits in spittoon, and chugs moonshyne*

Nice that you instill such trust in a child that you tell him you believe him when he said he was shocked. No... you had to shock yourself before you believed him. What happened to adults believing children, so that they know they can tell you anything?

Exactly. Kid: "That guy...he......touched me....down there..." Adult: "That's impossible. You lying brat." OP fails.

What's the point of an electric flyswatter?

It's good for things like wasps that you don't know if you can really kill in one hit, especially if they are flying. It electrocutes them instead, which is more effective. Plus, it's fun to watch.

Wow, now we have to use technology to kill bugs? What's next, an electronic hat to help us think? Technology has become a crutch in our generation. Come on, we really don't need it for simple things like killing bugs...