By Anonymous - 12/09/2009 20:06 - United Kingdom

Today, my friend's 11 year old son accidentally shocked himself with our electric fly swatter. Thirty seconds later, while trying to prove to him that it's physically impossible to shock yourself with it, and that it's perfectly safe, I did the exact same thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 800
You deserved it 54 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Avabundy 0

Really? An electric fly swatter won't shock something if you hit it against anything? I guess its lucky your hands weren't wet.

Don't electric fly swatters have stickers on them, saying they can shock you? YDI


Poonheart 0

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you fail for saying YDI whilst not making sense and replying to the first post to be on top

WTF? So it happened, there was living proof that it happened, but you didn't believe it. Must be some kind of psychotic idiot.

her and her son are obviously dumbass twats. First to be sexy!

Reyo 2 could you not believe physical proof standing in front of you?

Wtf is an electric fly swatter? What part of it is electric? I'm so baffled.

ragglefraggle 2

an electric flyswatter is just a normal flyswatter, maybe a half the size of a tennis racket, which has electricity flowing through the part of the swatter that you hit the fly with.

it's obviously not harmless if the 11 year old got shocked by it.

Avabundy 0

Really? An electric fly swatter won't shock something if you hit it against anything? I guess its lucky your hands weren't wet.

Don't electric fly swatters have stickers on them, saying they can shock you? YDI

YDI for your dogmatic tone! You know when you say "physically impossible", the gods are going to make it happen to punish you for your hubris. Of course, it's physically possible for that thing to shock you, how do you think it kills flies?

coldplaylive2003 0

Wait, how could you think it's impossible? You do know that when you push the button the entire grid gets charged, right?

uhhh if you saw the kid do it, then why did you think it'd be fine if you did it?

no where in the op does it say op saw the kid do it

Actually, it can be pretty funny to lie about getting shocked:

Why the hell do you need an electric fly swatter in the first place? Normal one not good enough for you...?

instead of squishing a fly between the swatter and something, the raquet just touches it and falls on the floor. They are also fun to play with

Ooohh, I just bought two eletric fly swatters, arent they amazing? and that shock.. really really hurts.