By Anonymous - 24/11/2010 04:41 - United States

Today, I received my acceptance letter to one of the most prestigious universities in the US, as well as a nice scholarship. I was so proud of myself, I eagerly showed my dad, hoping he would shed a tear or two. His only words were, "Just get a job so you can get the hell out of my house." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 713
You deserved it 3 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ihateIRAQ 0

call me oldschool,but this is what I did when my dad told me to get out and get a job: 1. i moved out. 2.i got a job.

Geez, what crawled up his butt and died? Does he normally show support OP or does he not? If he doesn't then maybe you should have figured he'd respond this way? Be proud you did so well! Go celebrate with your friends instead! Many congratulations! :D


stephanie0613 0

FYL. Congratulations Op I somewhat know how that feels!

be happy my dad kicked me out of the house when i got accepted to clown college even though it was my dream ;(

japoop 0

It's ok, he just thinks he's tougher than I am, that's all.

reminds me of the movie/book the five people you meet in heaven

missmurderx 8

Isn't Hogwarts one of the most prestigious schools? Find his patronus.

97 in the UK! I would assume somewhere in Salem would be the place for the most prestidious witchcraft and wizardry school

"Tough Love" means to treat someone harshly with the intent of helping them. It's not a generic excuse for behaving like an asshole and only thinking of yourself. The expression you are looking for is "white trash parenting".

xLil_Mx 0

Wow your dad is a bastard OP. But great job!

twinny_sc 13

Geez, what crawled up his butt and died? Does he normally show support OP or does he not? If he doesn't then maybe you should have figured he'd respond this way? Be proud you did so well! Go celebrate with your friends instead! Many congratulations! :D

My opinion I think he's actually jealous :P

SmallTownCutie 0

69- You get a double win. 1. You got 69(; 2. Your comment was a win. An epic win.

Don't post shit like this, k #90? Nobody cares.

Go to college, graduate, have a great life, shun your dad. He doesn't deserve you. And hey, congrats!

FYLDeep 25

Does your house happen to be in a close proximity to one of the most prestigious universities in the US? If not, then I probably would have assumed that you would be forced to move out, job or no job.

Plan: Become super smart and super rich. Buy out the company he works for become his boss make his life hell :D

that happened my mates dad, he used to bully a boy then boy became a millionaire bought his company over, demoted him and made his life hell unroll he quit! ^0^