By merissa22 - 01/09/2012 17:37 - United States - Chicago

Today, I found out that the "vines" I was cutting down this morning were actually poison oak. I can only see out of one eye, and I'm virtually unrecognizable due to the facial swelling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 275
You deserved it 4 169

merissa22 tells us more.

merissa22 5

nothing like a shot in my ass after trying to sum up the courage to go out in public won't help

Top comments

Yeah there's not much to add to this one. I guess since you're virtually unrecognizable this would be the time to go rob a bank?

Unrecognizable, you say? Time to streak naked and destroy stuff! Unless you have a birthmark/tattoo/unmistakable genital deformity.


Yeah there's not much to add to this one. I guess since you're virtually unrecognizable this would be the time to go rob a bank?

Just think about how much they would save by not having to buy a mask.

This is completey off topic but is that your natural eye color? Its gorgeous

20 - No, this isn't even a picture of me, but I'm sure Jackie Chan would appreciate the compliment.

Swift4Life 13

I think whyusofat was talking to WCARlover, cause you can't really see Mr. Chans eyes in your pic.

lmao @ 20:) but yes it's my natural eye color thank you

20- if you want to ask an off topic question, send her a private message instead of commenting where everybody can see it.

Rob a bank while my face is unrecognizable and I can't see to know where any potential police may be? BRILLIANT! We'll buy a pint of Guinness if you don't get caught.

hey whyusofat, are those your toothbrushes? theyre gorgeous...

Yea i walked in on em but they didnt mind and kept going...

loserboii 11

You might want to cover that somehow, you might scare people away.jk But seriously swelling is never fun, just try to relax for a couple of days.

Too bad it's not Halloween, you could've dressed up as Two-Face.

I just imagine you saying that in an Asian accent.

Sorry op, try some medicine to help the face swelling go down.

Sarcastic_x 6

Right...because walking it off will make the swelling go down.

How exactly do u walk off facial swelling?

Take a walk while dragging your face on the pavement. Kinda of like Sweetiebelle does.

Unrecognizable, you say? Time to streak naked and destroy stuff! Unless you have a birthmark/tattoo/unmistakable genital deformity.

ceccles628 6

So, you were able to type this?

zingline89 18

Well isn't that just swell. I bet you're itching to get back to work. But seriously, I hope you're oakay. Just get some meds and some rest and I think you'll be doing just vine.

zingline89 18

The people who say "I see what you did there" are the people who have been made fun of their whole life for being the last one in the room to get the joke