By Username - 25/01/2010 11:06 - France

Today, my fiancée texts me while out at a restaurant. She told me that she saw one of my high school friends there, and that he asked "How's Douglas doing?". She then asked me who Douglas is. Douglas is my legal name. We've been together for over three years and she didn't know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 162
You deserved it 10 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she's been calling you "Doug" for short and didn't realize that your full name was Douglas, she's an idiot. If you were being called by some other name completely and never told her your real name was Douglas, YDI.

Why the hell haven't you told her your real name?


Well if she's that likely to miss things, just think of what you could get away with. kidding!

Why the hell haven't you told her your real name?

Exactly. Either that or he sure picked a winner.

PottentialFML 0

Perhaps His real name is Jason Bourne.

PottentialFML 0

God dammit I was trying to remember that one and couldn't think of it. Perhaps the OP doesn't know what his own name is anymore.

Did you ever tell her your legal. Or was she supposed research it on the internet

Standard troll formula is YDI for __insert word from the FML post__

GiRIsMakingCupca 0

lol but yea I guess that suks that she doesn't kno your legal name. YDI for having a legal name. lol!:)

If she's been calling you "Doug" for short and didn't realize that your full name was Douglas, she's an idiot. If you were being called by some other name completely and never told her your real name was Douglas, YDI.

RAMBabyyy 0

C-c-c-c-combo breaker!!! I know a man called Douglas, he lives in the Isle of Man. It's just him.

DeathMaple 3

Lol, you probably never told her. How is she supposed to know?

You wouldn't ever think to ask the man you're going to marry what his name is?

If he's been saying his name is Joe Smith for 3 years, why would she doubt that was his name? Unless someone does something to make you think otherwise, do you check to see what their legal name is.

skittles222 0

argreed to #5. if she honestly didn't know your real name, then you should probably re-work your communication skills before getting married

Well congrats on either being a douche who doesn't tell your fiance your name or having a fiance who isn't the brightest crayon in the box.

So just tell her. This isn't really an FML to the extent that it's not that big of a deal. Unless your name is Doug.

Epic FAIL on both of your parts. You for not telling her your full government name. and her for not bothering to figure it out. FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. Lol

Shes never seen your drivers license? Okay, 2nd date protocol is asking to see the persons drivers license. You jokingly bring out yours and show them your 'embarrassing pic" and then you ask to see thiers. Then you read it top to bottom to make sure they are a legal citizen, didnt used to be a woman and most importantly, so you learn their real name. :-)

starberries 0

Actually your driver's license doesn't state whether you've had a sex change, or whether you're a citizen. You'll have to find a better way to snoop.

Well I don't think u could get a drivers license if ur not legal