By sillystring - 13/10/2009 10:09 - China

Today, as I was walking home, a friend passed me by on his moped, and sprayed a bunch of silly string at me. Unfortunately, he hit me in the eye, temporarily blinding me. As I stumbled around blind, I accidentally knocked a bunch of 3 year olds off their bikes, causing them to cry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 786
You deserved it 3 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LemonadePink 0

3 year olds cry about anything, unless they got really hurt...not really an FML. Just funny. haha

Veritas143 0

Darn biker gangs always attacking the disabled fyl :p


LemonadePink 0

3 year olds cry about anything, unless they got really hurt...not really an FML. Just funny. haha

It's true. Anything can upset them. OP shouldn't feel guilty. It wasn't on purpose and the kids are okay. Maybe a little scraped or cut but I'm sure they're okay.

3 year-olds! Really?! They ride bikes?! My god, my cousin once-removed is very behind on her development... she's just mastering walking without falling! Well, she's only 2, but still! I doubt that in a year she would be riding a bike.

That would make an awsome joke in a slapstick comedy

youthink_fml 0

Did you flail around like you were on fire or something? How do you knock people off bikes because you're blind? And I doubt 3-year-olds are riding bikes.

Veritas143 0

Darn biker gangs always attacking the disabled fyl :p

Today i was widing my bike wen this big man wan up to me and fired his lazer at me and ten i fell off my bike and i pee peed from my eyes

ydi for being friends with a guy who rides a moped