By Anonymous - 03/06/2011 23:16 - United States

Today, my fiancé nervously sat me down for a "serious chat". The chat wound up with him asking if we could postpone our wedding, because his World of Warcraft guild had a raid scheduled for the same day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 920
You deserved it 10 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idonebeenhad 17

as far as I know, there is NOTHING in wow worth postponing a wedding for. Even if it was a world first deathwing. Yes, I'm a nerd Life>wow

Rico_Mal1116 0

Why would someone do that..? There is a time for fun and games and a time for life..


emodude44 0

Leave him. Warcraft is the spawn of Satan

Warcraft is the first one. it was a strategy game I think there were 3 of them. then they realeasedWoW

Moobug 4

As a Warcraft player (my husband introduced me while we were dating) I recommend slapping him with the keyboard, and next time there is a comfort break during a raid, hop into his chair and explain to his guild exactly what he asked you. If his guild are nice, non-idiotic people they'll give him an earful before kicking him for the duration of your nuptials. If they don't give a crap, sit HIM down for a serious talk about how you can't marry someone who is turning into an idiot like them.

matt12866 0

wow got yourself a winner..

GallifreyDog 2

If his World of Warcraft guild comes before your marriage, don't bother with the idiot.

pinkpantha1977 2

seriously why are you with someone who plays wow anyway ?! my fiancé subscription lasted until I put a hammer through the monitor

awardZu 0

You sound like a world class bitch. I hope your fiancé left you, and made you pay for a new monitor. I play WoW, and it has been an extreamly fun way to kill time & blow off steam. The game isn't to blame for the people who let their addiction consume their lives. What a bitch!

kittiekat1337 0

lawl imo bitch right here, amirite?

fairydust83 0

I agree. my man plays too. I feel your pain

Lamborghiniii 2

I AGREE WITH THIS FML!! WIN!! WIN!!! OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO i'm TOTALLY going to do this if i have a wife that has a sense of humor =))))))) World Of Warcraft FTWWWWW! i still can't stop laughing if what you say is really true LOL!!!

Lamborghiniii 2

by the way.. you are a bad wife! if you played wow you would understand the importance of a raid in the CATACLYSM expansion of world of warcraft! Sheesh those raids are God Damn Hard!!!! I'm so sad my subscription expired and i don't want to pay 15$ to renew it lol XD.. ( this post was a joke xcept the me not paying 15$ for wow )...

lordlekal 17

Sad how some poeple just don't get it, real life comes before WoW.

Meaningless 1

Get out now. WoW is fun but it shouldn't interfere with life.