By Theslacker... - 09/11/2017 16:00 - United States - Coplay

Today, a number of people came to visit me in the hospital, including my grandparents. They called me "weak" and "a cowardly millennial" for going to the ER instead of sucking it up, and blamed me for rising healthcare costs. I had a compound fracture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 267
You deserved it 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

“Back in my days we got cholera, polio, mumps, blown to pieces etc. and never went to see a goddamn dr! You bunch of spoiled millennial brats are what’s wrong with the world how dare you waste our hospitals resources on such nonsense!” I hope you get well soon!

You’re hogging up a hospital bed that should be occupied by your demented grandparents.


Christopher Martin 12

A bone sticking out? Meh... it’s just a flesh wound

You’re hogging up a hospital bed that should be occupied by your demented grandparents.

Demmahom 16

How are you meant to suck that up?? The only thing that does need to be sucked up is your family's view on certain stuff like healthcare. Yeah, healthcare costs a lot, but so will a funeral if you "sucked it up" and left that untreated. You made a good choice taking yourself to the ER. Stay safe.

“Back in my days we got cholera, polio, mumps, blown to pieces etc. and never went to see a goddamn dr! You bunch of spoiled millennial brats are what’s wrong with the world how dare you waste our hospitals resources on such nonsense!” I hope you get well soon!

Next time they fall and then ask you to call emergency services, tell them to suck it up.

Lobby_Bee 17

I hope none of them work in healthcare. The worst I have seen was someone who came in by AMBULANCE for a pimple on the forehead. He ended up leaving because he was not treated as a priority. facepalm*

It may help to keep a medicalert card in your wallet, with a list of people not to be admitted to see you ine the hospital. You can exclude anyone, including family. If they cant treat an injured person with more compassion than that, in that situation, you shouldn't have fely guilty if youd had them thrown out.

Catlover1130 14

Definitely understand what it's like to have asshole grandparents! I'm sorry OP!