By unfortunate - 30/06/2013 04:45 - United States

Today, my father informed me that I was born only because my mom lied about being on birth control. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 138
You deserved it 3 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know why he found the need to tell you that. My condolences OP :(

Atleast you know your mom really wanted to have you. Some people are complete accidents in both sides :p


My older sister and I were mistakes as well is what my dad told me. My parents got pregnant with my sister, unmarried and were going to break up when I was conceived, still unmarried. But they decided with me to stay together and they popped out 3 more babies before divorcing 4 years ago. I've always felt like a blessing in disguise since then lol. But I'm really sorry it makes you sad OP. Try to find some humor in it that always makes me feel better in crap situations.

Well for the first comment his grammar sucked but all he missed in the second comment was a period. Which, in case you didn't notice, you also missed. The only really bad thing about his comment is the spelling, and spelling isn't grammar.

Thanks dad... I wonder why patents think it's alright to say hurtful things like that? I had a friend that had parents on the verge if divorce. The dad said he only married her mom because he got her mom pregnant and wouldn't have been with her otherwise. It cut like a knife.

There are a lot of babies that aren't planned. But that doesn't mean you're not wanted. I was a surprise, but not a mistake. You should think of it the same way. Just a delightful surprise.

Probably most people born in the 80's and 90's weren't planned by one parent or both, assuming you were born in one of those years. I wasn't planned.

Don't worry about it. As a wise individual once said: "I can see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."

Well she really, REALLY wanted you..., ;)

chezgigi 7

These parents are idiots. Not only is this extremely inappropriate, but he is trying to turn you against your mother. There may be a divorce pending. Keep reminding him that just 'because you are a mistake' doesn't mean you don't love him less. If that guilt-trip doesn't work, tell him that someday he'll be in a nursing home, and may appreciate having children, so he'd better watch his step!