Thanks for sharing your inspiring story, Dad

By Anonymous - 16/02/2024 23:00

Today, my dad told me quite bluntly that, while he loved me, he never planned to have me. My mom baby-trapped him by sabotaging their birth control methods, and my existence ruined his life irrevocably and caused the functional alcoholism he has suffered with for 40 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 701
You deserved it 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I wouldn’t take that to heart. your dad was most likely going to be an alcohol regardless. It’s easier to put the blame elsewhere.

The things that happen to us in life are often out of our control, but how we react to them is entirely up to us. He made his own choices, and it's pure cowardice to blame his failings on his child. Shame on him.



I wouldn’t take that to heart. your dad was most likely going to be an alcohol regardless. It’s easier to put the blame elsewhere.

A horrible thing to say, even if the first part is true, you are not responsible for his addictions. Plus, you are a beautiful, wonderful child of God, and you are on this Earth for divine purpose. You are enough.

I suspect these dislikes are because you mentioned God. I hope the OP doesn't take it to heart.

The things that happen to us in life are often out of our control, but how we react to them is entirely up to us. He made his own choices, and it's pure cowardice to blame his failings on his child. Shame on him.

I wouldn't give what he told you a second thought. That's on him for not pressing charges against your mom, or at the very least dumping her and paying child support while living his life. Instead, he has to live with the fact that he chose to stay and that he *and* your mom deceived you your entire life. You deserve better parents.

hopejm 5

wow, even if some of that were true you never lay that kind of shit on a child.