By unfortunate - 30/06/2013 04:45 - United States

Today, my father informed me that I was born only because my mom lied about being on birth control. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 150
You deserved it 3 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know why he found the need to tell you that. My condolences OP :(

Atleast you know your mom really wanted to have you. Some people are complete accidents in both sides :p


I don't know why he found the need to tell you that. My condolences OP :(

Some things should definitely be kept unsaid!

MzZombicidal 36

I agree, #1. OP, I do hope you had/have a loving home despite the recent bad news. Just be glad you're in the world today! :)

GoodLookingGeese 10

It's very common. A lot of people heard this insult during family fight. I wonder how many of us were strictly planned? 20%? 30%??

"you are the lie that lived!" anyone get the reference. sorry op, hopefully he's happy your here now.

Wow, your mum lied about birth control. I f***ing hate women like that. If I were the guy I would of said 'Get an abortion' and left. Unacceptable, shes probably ruined that mans life, just for her selfishness.

assassinbanana0 20

Hmm well considering he posted this on here.... Kind of obvious, don't ya think?

pinguino3669_fml 23

That's the kind of stupid question Katie Couric would ask a person after they were hit by a hurricane.

You were meant to be OP. Never view yourself as a mistake!

We could look at thus optimistically or pessimistically: Consider your mothers lie a good omen and that you will have good luck in your future. Or your mother could keep up her lying ways and destroy your credit history forever.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Not with credit! They'll make sure you know what your credit score is. Even without a credit card number! Haha.

badluckdawson 19

What does this have to do with anything? #39

CallMeMcFeelii 13

A horrible attempt at a joke haha. Note to self, don't comment when hung over.

expertsmilee 26
expertsmilee 26

Was meant to be a play on words since his mother lied which in turn gave him life, so his life is technically a lie. Now that I had to explain it though, any humor contained has been lost.

deepunder 17

So what he's done in his life is all lies, or he thought he was some other species? His life was unintended but still existed. Cake is a lie, not his life.

Druu 53

A pity you were born to such a huge asshole.

Hey just because op was an accident doesn't mean the parents don't love OP now.

Atleast you know your mom really wanted to have you. Some people are complete accidents in both sides :p

My dad told me I was a mistake . i asked him why ? He told me Because the condom broke... ):

jw90 18

Sucks when parents tell you you were an accident.

But he wasn't an accident! His mom wanted him so much she lied to her husband ... So while it is a terrible move by the mother towards the dad, the kid is still not an accident. Mom loves him!

Think of it as you were a surprise, not a mistake... That's what my parents tell me anyhow..

Hurbel684 10

A lot of parents don't realise how hurtful such a message can be. They should never say somehting like that to their kids, joke or not. FYL OP :-/

I'm sorry, what a terrible thing to say to your child.