By hail - 27/12/2018 20:00

Today, I told my parents I was pregnant but don’t know who the Dad is. My Mom said “that’s alright, I still don’t know who your dad is”. So apparently my father isn’t my real Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 868
You deserved it 1 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry, but you deserve it. Having multiple partners is fine and I'll never judge you for it, but using protection was a must. You should have been more responsible.

Family traditions are nice and all, but this is the kind that'll land you on Maury.


Mooglefox 23

Like mom, like daughter. The saga continues.

Family traditions are nice and all, but this is the kind that'll land you on Maury.

404wan 19

what the **** is wrong with you? not only do you have unprotected sex but with multiple partners? i hope your child isnt born with HIV.

Sorry, but you deserve it. Having multiple partners is fine and I'll never judge you for it, but using protection was a must. You should have been more responsible.

she prob was using protection they arnt always effective

manb91uk 22

Damn I disliked this before reading fully. Unprotected sex with multiple men.... Very not smart.

damn u ugly. you'll be lucky to have one partner in you life

Mungolikecandy 19

cbchawks , are you drunk? Making that type of comment makes me hope you are because if you are not that may explain why people cross the street when they see you.

HemiPoweredGroomer 5

I mean, there are a lot of things that could go wrong. Condoms can break. Birth control can fail. She may have only had two partners, one relationship that ended very soon before another started, and may not have known she was pregnant, so, there is no way to tell who the father is. She may not be irresponsible. It could have been an accident. There is no way to tell

Gamessence 19

Maybe op did and the condom broke?

This is stupid, don't you know that birth control is not 100% effective? It could have failed with one of her partners and she doesn't know which.

Exactly, but people love to **** shame and to shame people who they think are more stupid than they are. It's way easier to just assume something than thinking that it's really just bad luck.

She might not have been safe but birth control nor condoms are 100. I got pregnant while on depo shot and a damn condom. Ooh and not once but twice, same guy too. Damn demon seed was fertile.

MaleficusTheUnsung 16

F the child’s life more like, hopefully this is a wake up call to the parent...

MaleficusTheUnsung 16

Inappropriate and your details are unnecessary if you really are an adult you sure as hell don’t act like it having multiple relations is fine and all sure... but now your child needs to grow up with no father due to your or lack of knowledge which is quite cruel I would risk my life for any random stranger walking on the street not even mentioning a child’s life.. yet you can’t even keep it in your pants or man up to the fact that what you’re doing may be irresponsible or wrong, I swear to god you better show your children respect >,>

ari330 21

The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree

Apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?

bl3ur0z3 17

Now you have to wonder if your biological father had a son. Who you might have slept with. You could he pregnant with your neice or nephew.

Fishykoala 7

Looks like it runs in the family!