By ewwww - 27/04/2009 04:08 - United States

Today, my family was talking about how people's hair goes gray when they get old. My grandma mentioned that she was initially attracted to my grandpa because of his red hair and was sad when it turned gray. "It's ok," she continued, "his pubic hair is still red." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 196
You deserved it 4 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CherishFlowers 0

Pubic hair doesn't turn gray? Well, I learned something new today.


grazynaanka 0

oh grossss. i bet you can't get that image out of your head now. fyl.

CherishFlowers 0

Pubic hair doesn't turn gray? Well, I learned something new today.

I am upset I even read this FML. I feel your pain.

this is exactly why i want to marry a redhead! ;) it's a shame they're a dying breed. :( still, probably not what you want to here. i agree, FYL lol

LBedford 0

I wish my pubic hait was red as well. :---(

Oh Nana! Too much information! Ginger pubes are really creepy to me, just thinking about them on young people creeps me out, so Grandads Ginger Pubes is a really disturbing mental image.

wow. just wow. and ya i never even thought about if pub hair goes grey...