
By Anonymous - 18/11/2021 17:01 - United States - Bloomington

Today, I noticed several grey streaks in my hair while putting it in its usual combover. I'm only 18 years-old, and my hair was once one of my greatest sources of pride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 910
You deserved it 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Royal Sataness 4

I started going gray at 15. own it. people are gonna love it and people pay good money to get it. lose the comb over though. there's no pride in a comb over

A combover? Like Rudy Giuliani? Your greying combover is a big source of pride for you? Your best feature is old-man hair? I'd ask for a pic, but I'm afraid to look down!


A combover? Like Rudy Giuliani? Your greying combover is a big source of pride for you? Your best feature is old-man hair? I'd ask for a pic, but I'm afraid to look down!

Royal Sataness 4

I started going gray at 15. own it. people are gonna love it and people pay good money to get it. lose the comb over though. there's no pride in a comb over

Dirtysalamander1 13

you can't really tell anyone what they can be proud of.

young girls pay big bucks to dye their hair silver. own the look! Not sure about a comb over though

If you really are going bald like Rudy Giuliani, you should at least shave the rest and rock it. Or your wigs could become one of your greatest sources of pride.

randybryant799 20

So now it's ruined because of some gray?

Rock it darling. Make it work with your hair.

Lose the combover, they are so unattractive. Shave your head instead.