By Anonymous - 12/11/2018 05:00

Today, I realized how bad my grey hair problem has gotten as I noticed I had grey pubes. I'm only 23. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 921
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Veroswen 3

I started balding at 22. My beard is graying now at 30. With that perspective, graying is not that bad of a thing.

Time to shave that shit! “Just For Pubes” is just too much hassle and only lasts a week or so.


In elementary school, during Sex Ed, my parents would give me questions to ask (sometimes because they had genuine questions and sometimes because they had funny ones). They got me to ask if pubic hair turns grey one day. My (young) teacher said yes, but now I wonder how she knew...

Well, if head hair turns gray, and body hair turns gray, what are the chances of pubes turning gray?

I was joking that maybe she had the same issue as OP. I hate how sometimes old Almost FML's can be made new FML's, as I'd have never made this joke on a full FML.

Veroswen 3

I started balding at 22. My beard is graying now at 30. With that perspective, graying is not that bad of a thing.

Time to shave that shit! “Just For Pubes” is just too much hassle and only lasts a week or so.

Gray hair on young men can be pretty attractive actually. Don't let it get you down, OP. If you really don't like it, you could dye it any color you want. 😊 The hair on your head of course!

HokieJ 10

People are going to wonder if the carpet matches the curtains!

bobsanction 18

Play it up dude! Chicks dig silver foxes.

I was also shocked when I found my first grey pube. Not as shocked as the people on the elevator, though.

EmDizzle2007 28

I've got gray on my shoulders and in my beard. I'm only 29, but mu dad says I've had gray hair visible from across the room since I was 2. in short; I know your pain.