By InnocenceBlue - 02/09/2019 04:00 - Australia - Perth

Today, I finally sorted out my health insurance and went to the doctor. After seeing my X-rays and confirming I still had scoliosis, he also confirmed arthritis in both hips, 2 exploded discs and that I have "the back of a 50 year-old." I'm 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 972
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

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🤯😳😳HOLY CRAP. And I’m 48 and don’t have a tenth of your problems. Wow Good Luck.

What are they doing for you? The underlying diagnosis obviously wasn’t treated properly. I’d look into physical therapy and other options to see what to do to slow it down. None of my doctors ever brought up PT. More pain meds, surgeries, stuff like that. I am glad I asked about trying it.


🤯😳😳HOLY CRAP. And I’m 48 and don’t have a tenth of your problems. Wow Good Luck.

I know that feeling. I have degenerative bone disease in my spine and at 41, I have the spine of an 80yr old.

It sucks! You have my sympathy, fellow my-spine-is-double-the-age-of-the-rest-of-me-er.

What are they doing for you? The underlying diagnosis obviously wasn’t treated properly. I’d look into physical therapy and other options to see what to do to slow it down. None of my doctors ever brought up PT. More pain meds, surgeries, stuff like that. I am glad I asked about trying it.

I am seeing a chiropractor twice weekly, will continue seeing my PT (who has loads of experience with people with chronic injuries) so I don't become a potato and generally just try and be a bit more gentle on myself. Surgery is on the cards but I'm going to start with physical therapy. As far as the diagnosis goes, it's no one's fault but mine and my high pain threshold. My doc is great and listens to me but I just thought it was moderate scoliosis. I have learned my lesson now and will be taking better care of my health. Thanks for your info :)

Nix188 13

sounds about the same mate. minor scoliosis and a blown disk. just turned 23