By GamerAM - 27/06/2019 22:23

Today, after over a week of trying to get a hold of my doctor for a much-needed medication refill, he finally called back. Too bad my phone got unplugged and died in the middle of the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 479
You deserved it 245

Same thing different taste

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I dont know what kind of dr you're going to but most dr's have a med line.

Oh shit hey this got published. OK SO UH, OP HERE. So to answer a few things: The medication I needed can only be prescribed BY HIM since it is part of his specialty (he was not my primary, but a specialist I see for issues my primary doesn't cover). I attempted asking my primary and she told me she couldn't do anything. I did go online, but because of the nature of the medication, they cannot fill it online. I had been trying to get ahold of my doctor because I am currently stuck out of town and needed to give him the address to send the written prescription to. I had spoken with his private nurse and 4 secretaries by that point, as well as sent multiple emails, so I very much exhausted all I could do from where I was. THANKFULLY, today (After another 4 days, totaling this entire endeavor at 2 weeks), I finally got the prescription! :)


I dont know what kind of dr you're going to but most dr's have a med line.

LostSoul 19

Can you go online and request a refill?

Wait, you tried for a WEEK to contact your doctor and got no response? What kind of doctor is that? And did you even attempt to contact another physician? If you need your medication that bad, you should have taken other measures if your primary doctor wasn't getting back with you.

Oh shit hey this got published. OK SO UH, OP HERE. So to answer a few things: The medication I needed can only be prescribed BY HIM since it is part of his specialty (he was not my primary, but a specialist I see for issues my primary doesn't cover). I attempted asking my primary and she told me she couldn't do anything. I did go online, but because of the nature of the medication, they cannot fill it online. I had been trying to get ahold of my doctor because I am currently stuck out of town and needed to give him the address to send the written prescription to. I had spoken with his private nurse and 4 secretaries by that point, as well as sent multiple emails, so I very much exhausted all I could do from where I was. THANKFULLY, today (After another 4 days, totaling this entire endeavor at 2 weeks), I finally got the prescription! :)