By Frustrated - 19/04/2018 04:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I have to clear up after an orgy from last night. That would be bad enough, but I spent weeks arranging it, supplied the venue and everything else, and I was the only guy not to get laid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 660
You deserved it 2 356

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You arranged an entire orgy to get laid? Now that is dedication!

It's very rare to get an FML this ironic, seeing as not getting f***ed was the problem.


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Technically, regular consent is still a good idea. Otherwise, it’s like going to a carnival and having to ride the worst ride JUST because you’re there.

Uh no, that is not how consent works. Consent is an ongoing process, and consent to one thing is not consent to another. Saying 'yes' to participating in an orgy doesn't mean you can't say no to someone within the orgy.

I bet you'd change your mind as soon as someone you don't find attractive would like to **** you. Casual sexual encounters that mean nothing like this are all about having sex with people that sexually attract you. No point in them otherwise. Maybe he arranged an orgy with people waaaay out of his league, in hopes he scores with some hot dude/chick just because they agreed to the orgy and other people thought he is just the organizer of the event. Or it was just bad luck that they were "incompatible" with him. OP maybe next time try to find out beforehand if they are interested in you? That way you don't have to bother with people that aren't and invite more people that are interested.

You arranged an entire orgy to get laid? Now that is dedication!

Bruh stop being a push over stand up for yourself I’d never take that shit

I hope all the people you meet have their rape whistles handy.

I feel like we need more information.

It's very rare to get an FML this ironic, seeing as not getting f***ed was the problem.

Donut_Wizard 23

I don’t think an event where you are by yourself can be called an orgy.

techleprechaun 5

Rented a whole theatre, picked the videos, and bought high-end Kleenex. There was Vaseline ******* everywhere!

Did you manage to get friend-zoned by all of the participants? When a woman is getting DP’ed and is jerking off two other dudes and tells you sex will ruin your friendship, she’s just not credible!!!

You are watching way too much ****.

Bro, there's no invite in my mailbox. How cum?

Lobby_Bee 17

Well, the wedding planner doesn't get married right? Hope that makes you feel better.

Catto-Golden 23

This was a roller coaster from start to finish