By hale_551 - 11/09/2015 16:34

Today, I asked my teacher if he could tutor me for my upcoming exam. He said he'd look into it and let me know later. I later got called to the principal's office because my teacher claimed I'd propositioned him for sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 050
You deserved it 1 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your teacher watches too much ****....

I hope you didn't get into too much trouble for this, OP. If it were me I'd probably turn this back on your teacher for sexualizing a minor. In any case, maybe have a friend tutor you?


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Obviously not, since he told the principal.

BloodyGlass 10

Wow, someone thought highly of themselves. Asshole.

There are movies that start out that way so it must be true.

**** twist, the Principal then propositioned the student.

I hope you didn't get into too much trouble for this, OP. If it were me I'd probably turn this back on your teacher for sexualizing a minor. In any case, maybe have a friend tutor you?

I agree. The teacher sounds all kinds of ****** up. I would totally turn this on him.

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Little fun fact for you 22. If a man watches a woman undress through a window, he gets arrested for peeping tom. However if a woman watches a man undress through a window, HE gets arrested for indecent exposure. Men are always in the wrong. Always.

Quite the opposite actually. Anyone involved in child welfare should know to believe the child until it's proven that it's untrue.

In any case, it's probably time to switch to a section of that class with a different teacher.

saraaa2552 15

Why does everyone on here go to such ****** up schools

Because a good fml wouldn't read "today, I went to school and came home. it was very boring and mundane. fml"

joeyl2008 29

Today, I asked my teacher to tutor me for an upcoming exam. He did and now I feel much more prepared. FML

UhHuhHoney 20

Damn, nowadays everyone is just scared because of scandals that recently been happening. Either that or your teacher is a freak.

Someone thinks way too highly of himself, or he has watched too much porno!