By unknown - 13/12/2011 02:04 - United States

Today, my dad walked in on me using the bathroom. After rushing out, he yelled at me through the door for not locking it. He made up the "no locking the doors inside the house" rule. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 365
You deserved it 3 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um I have a no door locked policy at my house but I'm smart enough to realize it doesn't extend to the bathroom.


bizarre_ftw 21

Tell him, record the conversation/yelling match, start locking doors, when he complains: play his own words - telling you to lock doors - back at him. You win, logically and irrefutably, if he starts arguing with himself have him locked up in an asylum

jcarroll 0

My dad has the same damn rule! -_-

Fhl for having a stupid son/daughter like you. Ugh!

kcd159 0

Parents... This way about everything

Psh. Y'all be lucky. I've got the no-locked-door rule that extends even to the night. Hot damn air-conditioningless Floridan summer nights. Where it's wear stuffy pajamas or risk being exposed and woken up by overbearing parentals in their little midnight patrols.

MeowsLikaLion 4

my dad does that kind of thing all the time. he's embarrassed so he tries to take the blame off himself. he walked in on me once and yelled at me for not closing the door, which i had done.