By Anonymous - 30/05/2015 03:07 - United States - Salem

Today, my crazy neighbor screamed at me from her porch for walking "too close" to her plants. I was on the sidewalk. She sprayed me with her hose anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 617
You deserved it 2 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You young whippersnappers shouldn't be that close anyways


you should destroy the plants during the nighttime

The sidewalk belongs to the city and is public land thus you can sue for restricting access to public land

At least she didn't threaten to blow it up, or you had a crying 2 year old.

Did you put the lotion on your skin!?

you should have ripped them all out of the ground. i would have

When I was little, I use to go bike riding with my neighbor and down the street was this elderly woman who wasn't in her right mind. We rode our bikes on the street and she screamed from her house to "get off her lawn or she was calling the cops"

Holy crap, all the people saying call the police, it's assault. It's a bloody water hose, your not going to melt. Thank you for reminding me why my generation sucks so much, and once again make me wanna jump off a cliff. Your as bad as the fat women who sued mcdonalds...

I know I am going to get thumbed down for this, but I would be half tempted in the middle of the night to spray her flowers with weed killer

ajs1987 15

Thumbs up, because I'd probably do the same or worse.