
By Whipped af - 05/10/2023 01:30

Today, my wife forced me to delete a female friend’s number off my phone because she’s jealous of our friendship. She then showed me a demonstration of what will happen if I contact her again, with a photo she got from her Facebook, gasoline, and a match to “make sure we understand each other.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 820
You deserved it 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

Are you his wife? You sound horrible


headlock95 3

make sure she deletes her male friends contacts then

Nikki 17

Don’t fight abuse with more abuse, just ran, fast and far

Yes. Minus to Minus does not give Plus in this context.

That’s not whipped, that’s enslaved to a crazy woman

dongdong xiang 10

Hmmm… she wouldn’t have done all that without a valid reason. She probably saw that you were crossing the line with your friend. Why do you have female friends for when you have your wife? You don’t need friends. Female “friends” while you’re in a serious relationship are future side pieces. A shoulder to cry on becomes a d!ck to ride on. Your wife did you a huge favor although it was kinda over the top.

Nikki 17

Are you his wife? You sound horrible

dongdong xiang 10

Horrible because I speak the truth? Okay.

I REALLY hope you're just stupid and not serious.

dongdong xiang 10

Stupid why? Because I’m right?

@dongdong xiang - Reported you, troll.

dongdong xiang 10

I didn’t even do anything. If anything I’m the one being disrespected with all the insults hurled at me. I simply stated my opinion. This is a blog. If you disagree with my opinion downvote me or ignore me and move on.

Sounds like your wife has some demons. Wouldn't expect this to be the last time something like this happens.

Wow. You've had your heart broken and been brainwashed. People can be friends with anyone. Trust and communication in the relationship is what keeps it strong. If you don't trust your partner, don't stay with them. Losing all your friends for a partner is isolating yourself and paving a way to being any form of abuse with no support network to help you escape it. Humans are social creatures. We need friends.

Of course she did it for a valid reason. The reason is she's crazy and does stupid things. I hope this guy runs far and fast.

That's a 25 on the old crazy meter that pegs at 10. My wife has full access to my phone by my insistence. Any comms with any non family females is with e her knowledge. But that is MY choice to keep our trust levels high. You two need to figure out your own trust/jealousy issues.

ask yourself, what do I do to make my wife feel insecure about our relationship or better yet What are you NOT doing.

Nikki 17

Why is the wife getting the benefit of the doubt here? She’s abusive and threatening violence. Cutting off friends/family is the number one rule in the abuse playbook, he needs to leave her before she hurts him

dongdong xiang 10

Nikki, you’ve never been married/in a relationship, haven’t you? The wife is doing the due diligence of protecting her marriage from potential threats. Hence, she saw this “friend” as a threat. You sound like the one who would cheat on their spouse under the pretense of “iM aLloWeD to Have FRiendS oF The opPosite sEx!”

No dear. You can have friends of opposite sex. People can be friends with people regardless of gender. Even if she saw the other woman as a threat because she "was" trying something (which sounds like she isn't) the trust in her husband to know nothing would happen should be enough. If you don't trust your partner, don't stay with them. This is pure jealously and abuse. OP should leave. I'm in a relationship, have been for 9 years. I have male friends. He has female friends. Nothing has happened. Trust, respect and communication. If I don't trust someone, I dump them, it isn't worth the drama to disrespect myself to stay when the trust is gone. You've clearly been hurt before...try and get some help to prevent damage to future relationships. Also, people say they change, but they don't. Dump and get rid.

I'm married for 17 years. We both have friends, of the same sex or opposite sex -- it doesn't matter. My wife's best female friend is also my friend. So that you understand it, when I went to the city she lives in, my wife and the friend both had insisted that I stay at her friend's and not waste money for the hotel. I had a nice evening chat, tea and pies, and in the morning, I helped her to deal with the lots of questions from Internet installers. Nothing untoward could happen. A friend of my wife's is technically not treated as a dateable woman by me. Same as her sister, who is also my own friend. Again I respect myself and my wife enough not to screw where I live. She also could go to theatre which I'm not a fan of, with a male friend who is a fan. Nothing untoward would happen. There's that thing called "respect". Works both ways, you know. Works much better than: intimidation, snooping, stalking, jealousy, gaslighting and other forms of "undue diligence".

Make a plan to safely get out of there. File for divorce and a restraining order.

Umm...abusive much? Warn the friend, file a report with the police, and get your ass out of that house. Why would you wanna stay with someone that insane?