By superstar - 30/03/2009 06:18 - United States

Today, I was at work at Panera. A blind woman came in, ordered, and said other blind people were going to come in soon, because they were having a meeting. Later, a man came in and asked if any other blind people had showed up. I told him there was just one in here wearing a blue shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 212
You deserved it 91 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Erinx3 0

Oh God. That's something I'd do.

Tucatz 0

At least you didn't say "Yeah, can't you see them over there by that poster?"


Tucatz 0

At least you didn't say "Yeah, can't you see them over there by that poster?"

I dont know what you wrote since your comment is moderated but I will say that you sir are an idiot.

shroomis 0

haha you didnt think it through thats all lol

Erinx3 0

Oh God. That's something I'd do.

amerrah 4

I like to have an eye for detail.

lexy216 0

wow but it seems like a corny joke

pu13 5

Nicee....he probably wasn't too offended though, I would assume things like that happen a lot :/. Just an embarrassing moment lol.

Tucatz 0

At least you didn't say, "Yeah, can't you see them over there by that poster?"

withfire 0

Look on the bright side, he'll never be able to point you out to other people.

Tucatz 0

At least you didn't say, "Yeah, can't you see them over there by that poster?"

jaxx11 0

hahahahahaha that's so funny

Carlynator09 0

haha nice, we all have those moments