By Anonymous - 04/05/2009 12:37 - Canada

Today, my cat was in the bathroom with me because he loves toilets. Everyone was sleeping so I went pee but didnt flush. My cat jumped onto the seat and fell in. I had to lift him out and then wash him. He hates water though, so I was scratched by my cat who was dripping with my own pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 009
You deserved it 28 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rt523 0

thats why you flush. gross.

Next time, flush. And wash your hands, too.


housemd1120 0

At least it was your pee... Not really a FML

why does your cat love toilets? that's weird

isaiaha11 2

likes toilets but not water?

Cupcakeshizz 0

that was exactly what I was thinking haha

goldhighways 0

my cats love toilets too for some reason

hotrainrider 0

that's what I call "cat scratch pee-ver"

rt523 0

thats why you flush. gross.

Normally I would agree to a comment like this ... only the fact of the circumstances of OP. 1) I wouldn't want to wake up MY family by flushing the toilet, I would do it in the morning when everyone was awake (IMO) 2) I find it lucky that OP didn't flush otherwise the cat might've drowned or gone down the toilet! OP, I'm sorry that you got scratched, maybe keep the lid closed next time, FYL.

If it's any consolation, your pee was probably cleaner than the cat!

Next time, flush. And wash your hands, too.

OP didn't want to accidently wake up the family.

It's still gross to not flush the toilet

What kind of clumsy cat is this? Aren't cats supposed to be surefooted?

LilKonvicted 0
thelonelylurker 0

Ew... flush. Also, your cat is hilarious, he loves toilets?

Um I feel this is why you should always flush the toilet just sayin'