By naps aren't what they used to be - 27/04/2013 22:05 - United States

Today, my car was stolen from the parking garage, the same one I work at as a security guard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 085
You deserved it 25 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was probably done on purpose to teach you a lesson for napping on the job


doubt he'd be able to crawl after finishing all those bottles...

maybe this is a sign to let you know it's time to find a new career?

And who's job was it to keep an eye on the place?

jstorie95 8

Sounds like you aren't doing you're job too well

Akalia_fml 7

Well it sounds like someone isn't doing their job. ;) Nah, I'm just joking. That sucks OP, but seriously, aren't there like security cameras and other security stuff (that I obviously don't know the name to) to keep this stuff from happening?

I think you should find a new occupation...if you cant protect your own car..then how will others trust you to protect theirs..:/

The OP's name implies he was taking a nap when he was supposed to be guarding. If so, YDI. I would be surprised if the OP still had a job. I would have a small camera watch the guards to see who is sleeping!

You obviously aren't very good at your job then.