
By Anonymous - 10/06/2020 05:08

Today, I woke up and went down to my apartment's underground garage/laundry area to do my laundry and noticed my family's car in the back of the lot, as far away from the garage door as can be, had been broken into. The other, more expensive cars around the garage were untouched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 461
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm betting that the crooks banked on a less expensive car not having an alarm. Less risky to break into.

They probably thought your car had guns and drugs in it. The fancy people hire out their killing and only keep small amounts of drugs on their person.


I'm betting that the crooks banked on a less expensive car not having an alarm. Less risky to break into.

They probably thought your car had guns and drugs in it. The fancy people hire out their killing and only keep small amounts of drugs on their person.

Susan Yee 9

Is your car a Honda? That car is so easy to break into. Expensive cars are harder.

jfigley 5

Speaking from experience lol?