By Good sister - 13/10/2011 23:20 - United States

Today, my brother in law got into a fight with my husband. My pregnant sister was yelling at her husband to stop beating my husband up. When I came into the room, I asked why they were fighting. You'll never guess who the real father of my sister's baby is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 141
You deserved it 3 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel for you.... Just not right that infidelity should manifest itself like that. I'm sorry for your loss. It certainly is a loss. He has taken something from you that you can't get back....not only him but both of them. Can't imagine how you feel. Best wishes. Hope you launched a foot into the cheating happy sacks....


I feel for you.... Just not right that infidelity should manifest itself like that. I'm sorry for your loss. It certainly is a loss. He has taken something from you that you can't get back....not only him but both of them. Can't imagine how you feel. Best wishes. Hope you launched a foot into the cheating happy sacks....

bertoelmexicano 6

According to the dictionary, that baby will be a bastard

Well said, #2. And you're right, this is a loss...a big one. The trust she had in her sister and in her husband may be irreparably destroyed. And if she & the husband have children together, the damage done there is unthinkable. There's just no excuse for this. I feel for the OP, and can't imagine how awful this must be. I hope she gets some counseling & is able to move on...and find someone to share her life who is worthy of her.

Technically, no. Bastards are born to unmarried parents. In this case, the parents just aren't married to each other. My sympathies to you OP.

Lichinamo 33

It depends on the situation the child is in. I know three bastards. They are all close friends of mine. One was born before her parents got married. Same with the other one, although one of her parents was a widow and the other a divorcee. Another one of my friends is a bastard because her mother gave birth to her when she was 16. She hasn't seen her father since she was two. Even if their parents to become married to eachother, they are still a bastard. Since the child's parents are not married to eachother, I believe they are a bastard.

281 you look like you suck a lot. Literally. Just saying.

Your sister is a selfish ***** and your husband is a bloody prick. You should let your brother in law beat the hell out of him

I call bs. Her husband has given her another child. He has taken nothing from her. God obviously willed this to happen. She needs to woman up and love this child as if it was her own. Whats best for the baby and their current children, if they have any, is all that matters.

xAttackAttackx 25

...and that is why you should get in on it.

My guess is the creepy old guy next door. I'm right aren't I?

I was thinking her dad. She does live in Georgia after all.

bizarre_ftw 21

Damn! 56! You keep popping up everywhere! And you remind me Eerily of a guy I know and every comment just reinforces the similarities!!! Wow! Lol

It's that creep mailman that stalks people through their windows.

He's still following Rockwell, I think. (that just dated me...)

Oh God... I bet Maury and Jerry are already calling your house. They always know when this sort of thing happens.

You think I'll never guess who the baby's father is? Challenge accepted. But really though, I'm sorry to hear that. FYL OP and it's probably time to have a serious talk with your husband and your sister.

bizarre_ftw 21

Serious talk.... serial murder.... They sound the same, can't be too different ^_^

Lichinamo 33

OP r o i s g t i e n r a l

Just remember he isn't the only one to blame. It takes 2 to tango.

SlaveToRetail 10

According to Geico, it takes three.

Usually, I say that the other woman is not the problem; after all, she doesn't owe you anything and who knows what lies she'd been told and what she thinks is the truth. But the 2 big excepts to that rule are when the other woman is a friend or family member. Those are people who can't claim they don't know or have access to the truth, and they are people who definitely owe you loyalty and love, people who you trust and had every right to expect that they'd be worthy of that trust. How awful for everyone involved, especially the children.

Mysexyfaith 0

I have trying to figure that out as well !

Grmpman 7

In most cases at least.. Some of the more "bothersome" times don't

man that's messed up! I can't stand listening to these type of fmls. stupid people have no manners

supermankisses 1

Funny thing is, it's always the stupid people who reproduce...

How do you listen to FML'S..? I wanna do it!

Sounds like a typical day in the south to me!

Actually, it's not. That's not okay or "typical" no matter where you live. So please don't stick the rest of the south with another stupid stereotype.