Poor kid

By fair lady - 03/06/2021 04:01

Today, I watched as my four-year-old niece accidentally knocked over her mom’s wine. She was clearly upset about it, and her mother screaming at her didn’t help. Later, she asked her mom if she still loved her, to which she replied, "I don’t believe in second chances." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 252
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bleachedraven 14

It breaks my heart to think of a little kid suffering thinking their mom doesn't love them because they made a mess of things...never say anything in anger to a kid that you'll regret later, that makes them think they aren't valuable.

she doesn't need kids........ because that's because that's fuccked up


bleachedraven 14

It breaks my heart to think of a little kid suffering thinking their mom doesn't love them because they made a mess of things...never say anything in anger to a kid that you'll regret later, that makes them think they aren't valuable.

one insult like that is worth 100 I love you's. a lot of people don't realize that negative comments like that have a huge impact on little ones

she doesn't need kids........ because that's because that's fuccked up

dragonladiesfire 19

If she thinks wine is more important than her child then she needs help. I hope the daughter gets the love she deserves from other family members in the very least.

thatslifeiguess7 16

So the poor child has a mom that doesn't know they now sell wine sippy cups. Make sure you stay in her life you're her only hope

I don't know why you're posting this as if it in any way affects you.

Sounds like it was the mom that should have been knocked on the floor and not the wine. Maybe don't have wine so close to a child? Imagine if she drank the crap. That woman sounds like a total bitch.

brockwaycc 3

Should’ve shoved the wineglass up her ass