By Good sister - 13/10/2011 23:20 - United States

Today, my brother in law got into a fight with my husband. My pregnant sister was yelling at her husband to stop beating my husband up. When I came into the room, I asked why they were fighting. You'll never guess who the real father of my sister's baby is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 133
You deserved it 3 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel for you.... Just not right that infidelity should manifest itself like that. I'm sorry for your loss. It certainly is a loss. He has taken something from you that you can't get back....not only him but both of them. Can't imagine how you feel. Best wishes. Hope you launched a foot into the cheating happy sacks....


rhpsfan9 10

That's horrible, family get togethers are going to awkward

EvilDave 13

OP, I think you should have gone after them both with a cast iron frying pan.

I guess go have a baby with the brother-in-law? I've read too many FMLs that are like this. STOP ******* YOUR SPOUSE'S SIBLINGS! My goodness!

skyeyez9 24

As I heard that, I.would have been like "Ok you can continue to beat my husbands face to a bloody pulp" than walk out of the room.

jamesemmymaslow 2


Her husband? (sarcasm, for those who don't recognize it)

steffi1910 1

I agree that sucks and I'm sorry. :( I do have one question though you said pregnant sister so how do you know your husband is the father? I'm sure that they slept together but your husband or brother-in-law could be the father. I say leave his cheating ass either way!

You're right; until a paternity test is completed, this child's father is a big question mark...making the baby the most innocent victim of the OP's husband's and sister's selfish, pathetic behavior.