By Anonymous - 04/12/2010 07:32 - United States

Today, my brother changed the password on my laptop so that I can't log into my profile. All my notes for school are on it and finals start on Monday. Guess who can't remember the new password. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 607
You deserved it 3 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's a windows machine it's easy. As it's booting up keep pressing F8, a menu should pop up with a few options, choose safe mode with networking. After that it should load to the login screen. At this point it will display the base admin account, it should just say "admin" or "administrator" depending on which version of windows you have. Log in to that account and you can delete the password off of your other account.

ChelseaXD 0


why did he change the password of YOUR laptop?FYL.

you should have memorised all your notes by now and be able to rewrite them of the top of your head

That's a bummer but you should have saved these important notes on a little thing called a USB. Also I agree that you should know it all off the top of your head by now.

iTaylor 0

#16 haha math humor. this sounds like a job for the geek squad!!

MizzErikaHart 8

the last sentence/question of this fml is pointless.

Draminicaus 0

16, a USB is the port on the side of your computer. You're thinking of a flash drive. They plug into USB ports. It was a nice try, though. OP, backup your important data. It'll save you some misery.

gopherguy 0

38-Not really, the OP is saying his brother forgot the password. Without you wouldn't really understand that part of the FML.

MizzErikaHart 8

Oooh I c. my bad I thought the brother was being a dick and just changed it.

go to any bit torrent site from a computer you can log into. search for and download mri current version or closest is 5.5 or so. burn to disc and boot to mri load option 6 for mri pe. Once loaded go to tools and samuri password reset. remove the password for your login and reboot. hope this helps btw this is for windows

geek squad could do it but they would just use software you can get for free online and do yourself.

shawtieee 0

how can he do it himself.. when he can't log I'n to his laptop? just saying.. I suppose he can go to a friends house and do it or something.. wait he can just study with one of his classmates using their notes! (:

actually it isnt she is saying her brother cant remember the new password that he changed it to so he cant fix it

brycereid 0

turn the pc off and hold F8 when you turn it back on, log into the admin account and change it back from there.

fakeaccountX 6

If your computer had a password your bro shouldnt have been able to get on in the first place...

45, nice try. USB stands for Universal Storage Bus. The things on the side or back of a laptop or front or back of a desktop is called a USB PORT. Flash Drive is just an alternative name for a USB. So is Memory Stick. 121, there's plenty of ways of changing a password. OP's brother could've keylogged the OP, or maybe OP's brother was using the computer after OP logged on for him/left the computer unattended. q

Haha fail 128. You try and be smart by explaining to us technologically inept heathens what USB is and don't get the acronym right. Why would the "S" mean storage when many USB accessories don't have storage? Lol.

I think the better question is why did he HAVE his password to begin with. I don't tell my family my password....if you did give your family your password why even bother with one.

So your friends can't get on it if you take it to school?

ChelseaXD 0
mshooter 0

Forgot your password? dumbass click on that

Dumbass, It only works if you have the menu "Forgot Password?" saved on a Flash Drive. OP's gonna have to do what I said at the bottom of the page, or download Software, boot into the CD/Windows and remove it that way. lrn2Windows

Yeah, but the Knoppix approach works, too. It's good to have a Knoppix CD available, also helps if the system is crashed for some reason - you can boot from CD, mount the harddrive and make a backup.

you can also boot into safe mode, and login to to admin account. I'm pretty sure that you can remove a profile password that way, under "user accounts".


The password is imacockweasel.

If it's a windows machine it's easy. As it's booting up keep pressing F8, a menu should pop up with a few options, choose safe mode with networking. After that it should load to the login screen. At this point it will display the base admin account, it should just say "admin" or "administrator" depending on which version of windows you have. Log in to that account and you can delete the password off of your other account.

Proceed with this, then smack your brother upside the head.

kick his ass and get him naked slap him across the face take a pic and show it to every 1!!!!!!!

Do this or get a linux bootable disk and retrieve the files using that. Why the hell was he able to get into your computer in the first place? If it had a password at all why did he know it to be able to get on?

tboudre 0

if you do this, it may delete all the documents in your profile. better to find the profile directory & change the permissions so that the admin can see the profile folder, then copy the files to a directory under the root. this is why I don't store the important stuff under my profile.

Not far enough you should light him aflame also

Then change the password on his laptop and repeat step 2.

1timeusername 0

your picture annoys me because root 2 is real...root negative number is not

Actually, the square root of negative numbers is "i" and it actually has real world uses. For example, working with electricity.

Draminicaus 0

the square root of -1 is i. You can have negative square roots. "i" is not a real number. Although, the square root of 2 (dude's picture) is 1.414.... which IS a real number. Dude's picture doesn't make sense.

Draminicaus 0

the square root of -1 is i. You can have negative square roots. "i" is not a real number. Although, the square root of 2 is actually 1.414.....which IS a real number. 22's pic has the wrong number in it. That's what 25 was saying.

You guys are like me, but on the Bizarro World. I would never correct someone about math, because I fail at it. I am glad there are people like you.

get someone to hack it(: , or tateltail (:

Assuming you're running windows, try booting in safe mode, from there you should be able to use the control panel to change the password again! Hope that helps :)

TheSofaKing 7

You are a dumb ass for giving out your password

Agreed. Your brother should not have been able to access your account to begin with.

what if she just left the computer on and went to the washroom?