By horny and alone - 04/11/2018 03:00

Today, I went home with my cute coworker. What started out as a little dirty talk and teasing ended with him admitting he was in a terrible emotional place, then sending me home in an Uber so he could sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 745
You deserved it 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Leviathene 34

Good for him. Its hard to admit when you have issues and some people find it hard to say no when they really want and need to. I'm sorry you had to be the one he said no to, but think of it this way; you respected his wishes, and maybe he'll remember that. If he seeks help due to your conversation, you also did a good thing.

Poor guy. Hope he's okay. I know how he feels.


Maybe don’t try to hook up with your co-workers.

Poor guy. Hope he's okay. I know how he feels.

Leviathene 34

Good for him. Its hard to admit when you have issues and some people find it hard to say no when they really want and need to. I'm sorry you had to be the one he said no to, but think of it this way; you respected his wishes, and maybe he'll remember that. If he seeks help due to your conversation, you also did a good thing.

Sounds like your dirty talk was shit. Dirty talk doesn’t involve the words involving excrement (unless you’re with a certain type.) Talk about genitalia, mammaries and copulation. YWIA.

You know, I think you have found yourself a gentleman who knows not to shit where he eats. He probably opted not to draw you into the mess that is his life, so saving you the pain of that "I am sorry, I was in a bad place emotionally and sex with you was a stupid mistake" conversation. Take a longer term view girl, I am sure it will be worth it.

He had no sex and booked you a Uber back. How thoughtful of him. FML would have been if he had had sex with you and then shoved you out of his house.

Probably for the best More respectable to not do the deed if he's not in a good way Plus relations with co workers can bring in all kinds of complications