By Anonymous - 04/12/2010 11:23 - Sweden

Today, I woke up after a dream where I got it good from none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger. The problem? I'm a guy, and straight. Apparently my subconscious has a fetish for old Austrian bodybuilders. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 058
You deserved it 6 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rldostie 19

Maybe you're not as straight as you think.


Who the hell WOULDN'T wanna get with the Terminator? Oh wait. Straight guys.

iSitt 0

the governor had boobgate a few years ago. maybe you could grow some moobs.

zkchild 0

Sounds like you would like to get marked for termination.

Well, I had a dream last night where I got it good from Ganondorf. Is that weird, too?

I'm sorry but arnie is like Demi-god, he's so manly that this is actually the straightest dream you can have

ShadyFTW1 0

Doin it with a robot isn't gay, just weird

I had a dream about Hugh Jackman once... then again, I'm a straight female, which makes it an LML :D

luvyah 0

Ummmmmmm no wonder no 1 else commented. T-T

the problem is. was the Arnold in his dream the good young ripped Arnold or the old saggy Arnold. :S

KennKenn 0

"I am a sophisticated sex robot sent back in time to change the future for one lucky girl"

^ lol.. or a fag dreaming about guys... lol

KennKenn 0

58 I have dreams were I give it good to Zelda

PopRocks14 0

I love your description on your info :D

king4209 0

It didn't occur to you to even check that first?

couldn't you atleast google it? or do you got an IQ of a crackhead? :P

Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?

TerrorDollie 0

XD Lol! A dream is a wish! If you think you "had it good" with him them maybe you should reconsider your sexuality.

it is not necessarily a wish it could be a fear, because ur sub conscious deals with both.

RedPillSucks 31

If it was a fear, would he think he "got it good"?

bizarre_ftw 21

To get it good doesn't always mean it was good. In this FML he was probably stating he was ****** good and hard/proper/fast/deep/etc...? Take your pick

bizarre_ftw 21

Btw, a dream is a wish? Then what's with nightmares?


"I'll be back" to take your ass "to the chopper"

Fail. He's from Thal, Austria. He was even in the Austrian Army.

you are a guy all right. not sure about the other.