I get around

By Permafucked - 12/05/2009 14:23 - United States

Today, not wanting to be known as a lightweight anymore, I started drinking with some guy friends. After one beer, I ended up in bed with one of them, who kindly put my bra back on for me after, as I was too sloshed. I'm no longer known as lightweight, but instead, the slutty drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 103
You deserved it 86 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zanyone 0

so is one beer the most you have ever drank? sounds like a date rape drug to me.

MyNameIsAudrey 0

I've heard of a four beer queer but that is just ridiculous.


MyNameIsAudrey 0

I've heard of a four beer queer but that is just ridiculous.

I get drunk of 8 beers. And woah you *****

reagan71 11

I'm pretty sure no one cares if you get drunk off 8 beers.

I guess the OP is alcohol intolerant.

Damn, lol atleast he put it back on for you.

TapeMan_3000 0

wow one beer? I'm only 14 and could probably take that with not too much trouble. mostly cause my parents have been slowly desensatising me to alcohol in small amounts for years tho...

authorkid 2

254 why would they do that...?

#258, not every parent is a great one.. and OP, wow, just.. wow.

parents should slowly desensitise their kids to alcohol, studies have quite conclusively shown that children who are slowly easied into alcohol consumption are far less likely to binge drink or drink excessively once they grow up. bad parenting would be the opposite.

TriflingAllDay 6

I give my children a shot of jaemison before bed every night.

seriously? you can't feel the alcohol after only one beer..

#254: My parents did the same with me. I'm 17 and can handle 3-4 beers before I get tipsy. My dad didn't want me being the one girl at a party who can not handle their alcohol and ends up being taken advantage of.

everyones tolerance isnt the same. some people get drunk from 1 beer others from 20

I'm 16, and I can take 6 bottles of beer before I get stupid lol

Why didn't you go with girlfriends? you could have done that without being called a ****.

Or at least there to make sure you were not taken advantage of.

Maybe her friends are guys? It's not a problem to drink with guys. Or to sleep with them. Both together isn't smart. Don't push yourself over your limit... be responsible.


Don't worry about it, babe. My guy friends know me as the slutty pothead.

hahah that's why there still your friends. and sorry to hear that OP :P

i'm sorry but one beer? what are you like 7? i'd say yuou deserved that one, you should know your limits, and in your case i don't think you should be drinking at all.

zanyone 0

so is one beer the most you have ever drank? sounds like a date rape drug to me.

Even if there wasn't drugged, you still could not properly consent if you were so sloshed you had to have help putting your bra on.

skittles17 0

haha story of my life. at least we're VERY cheap dates!

Camer0ne 0

Ahaha don't try to spin it in a positive light, you're an easy bang.

zanyone 0

do you normally drink more than one beer? sounds like date rape drugs to me. be careful!

poolshark 0

I bet the op is one of those people that will act drunk if someone slips them nonalcoholic beer.