By Anonymous - 14/03/2010 13:19 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me the reason he can't keep an erection while we have sex is that I'm not attractive enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 902
You deserved it 4 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow.. hopefully he isn't your boyfriend anymore...

bigpapi210 0


Or maybe he just can't keep it up. His way of blaming you for his problem IMO.

Tubes 4

He's got erectile dysfunction and he doesn't want to admit it, so he blames you for it.

confucious 0

You must be really fugly!!!!!!!!!!!

What a dick!! No pun intended!! If he can't keep it up that's his problem.

- At Least He Was Honest About It , He Could've Said Somethinq Like "Too Many Distractions" or Somethinq Retarted Like That . But At Least Now Yhu Know The Truth !

finallyfreemaria 0

sorry OP I've had the same problem...I feel your pain D:

ssskylar 0

"You're not attractive enough..." Is that really something you should say to a girl..ever..?