By I'm disgusting - 26/05/2019 22:11

Today, my girlfriend caught me using my T-shirt as a tissue. Again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 529
You deserved it 3 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pro Tip: Most guys just use their socks for that.

Why did the sperm cross the road? You put on the wrong t-shirt.


Pro Tip: Most guys just use their socks for that.

Why did the sperm cross the road? You put on the wrong t-shirt.

How gross are you that you still wear the same t-shirt after smearing whatever bodily fluid you expelled onto it after the fact? "No tissues, but I really have to sneeze. Guess I'll have to use my t-shirt. It may be 9:00am, but it won't hurt until I get home in about 12 hours. Hope no one notices when I go out for drinks after work."

Madison Gliosci 16
simcityguy09 19

Who cares if you wiped your snot on your shirt collar?