By imscrewed - 29/07/2009 19:32 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he was going out tonight to celebrate his ex-but-still-friends-girlfriend's birthday at a local club and hopes I wasn't offended that I wasn't invited. I sure am offended; we have the same birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 402
You deserved it 4 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

djb23 0

yeah are you sure he's your boyfriend?


Maybe he is collecting exes with the same birthday

ouch /: that's never good. get him back for it somehow :)

fmldude79 3

Well, looks like you are in the market for a new boyfriend.

SecretlySilent 0

Your boyfriend sounds like a douchemonkey.

CammyGal 26

Ooh, harsh :( Happy birthday OP, sorry your boyfriend's a douche.

Wow! That's an FML with a sting in the tail! There I was, reading whine, whine, jealous, jealous, and then WHAM! Right in the kisser! FYL

Tell home it is your birthday. Honestly, he's not worth your time.