By imscrewed - 29/07/2009 19:32 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he was going out tonight to celebrate his ex-but-still-friends-girlfriend's birthday at a local club and hopes I wasn't offended that I wasn't invited. I sure am offended; we have the same birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 402
You deserved it 4 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

djb23 0

yeah are you sure he's your boyfriend?


Diligent17 4

Come on at least he considered your feelings before hand. He was just trying to have fun partying his friends once in a while. You can let ur bf miss one of ur bdays. Still that is an Fml.

thesismate 3
fuzluv95 0

i'm sorry that really sucks! happy late birthday, and if i were you, i'd dump the pathetic loser who was stupid enough to either forget your birtdhay or not CARE that it was your birthday. it's just what i'd do, though.

Hmmm you must be blone or just really THAT ******* dumb

pink_pimptress 0

please! tell me you're not still w/ him!

omgah , three words : dump him now . And step on his feet while yr at it . AND throw the most kick ass party ever . Although this is late advice , I hope you did throw the most kick ass party ever :D

AnGelZzArKeEh 0

A-men to that. I've tried in numerous relationships to be cool about an ex or two remaining friends with my guy, only to see it come back and bite me in the ass, each and every time. Never again. As for "bros before hoes", I turned it around on my last guy. He used it a few too many times, so when I wanted girl time, I just told him "hoes before bros!". God, he hated that! xD