By imscrewed - 29/07/2009 19:32 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he was going out tonight to celebrate his ex-but-still-friends-girlfriend's birthday at a local club and hopes I wasn't offended that I wasn't invited. I sure am offended; we have the same birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 402
You deserved it 4 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

djb23 0

yeah are you sure he's your boyfriend?


Why did you even ALLOW him to be friends? BIG mistake. Make him suffer!!!

What is wrong with you? Just because a girl is dating a guy, doesn't mean she has the right to choose his friends! In fact, the thing all guys hate in a girl is being too controlling. Have fun being single for your entire life!

tommygirl_fml 0

DUMP HIM RIGHT NOW!!! The asshole deserves it

bahaha why is everyone getting so worked up! it sucks for them, not us! so chill people

anyone who says that she deserved it needs to rethink. how does she control him being a douche?

yolie_fml 0

Please dump this person for treating you this way.

tualoina 0

Time for a new bf. happy birthday by the way!!!!!! : )