Classy guy.

By This_girll - 20/07/2018 19:30 - United States - Ridgewood

Today, my boyfriend of a year went to a wedding. He didn't invite me, he took his ex instead. I saw it all on Instagram. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 600
You deserved it 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There’s a typo, it should say “my ex-boyfriend of a year”. You deserve better than that.

On the bright side, it wasn’t HIS wedding! That makes it a little better, right? No? Ok...


There’s a typo, it should say “my ex-boyfriend of a year”. You deserve better than that.

The fact that he has contact with his ex should have been reason enough for this to not last a year.

I disagree with the above statement. You can still end things in an amicable manner with an ex and be friends(of course not in every situation). People who are insecure however probably will thumb me down though.

I disagree with the above statement. You can still end things in an amicable manner with an ex and be friends(of course not in every situation). People who are insecure however probably will thumb me down though.

Fml staff since you won't allow me on the app please delete the duplicate posts your app caused. Also any eta on when we can read replies to ops follow up on the app? It's been a long time now. Thanks (:

I disagree with the above statement. You can still end things in an amicable manner with an ex and be friends(of course not in every situation). People who are insecure however probably will thumb me down though.

I feel sorry for your partners... Why would they not be able to have contact?

There's a pretty big difference between hanging out with an ex a lot (or going to a wedding with them) and just having contact.

I was just calling out how they said having contact at all is a reason to end things. Obviously every relationship will have to setup their boundaries. This wedding incident does seem extreme and is fml worthy because circumstances aside he didnt even let her know and she found out from a third party app.

On the bright side, it wasn’t HIS wedding! That makes it a little better, right? No? Ok...

c00kie14 11

I don’t think he’s your boyfriend

thatslifeiguess7 16

So did you send him a picture of the words " guess what broke? " " us douchebag"

It's worth remembering that people often submit FML's that only sound bad when written down as an FML. The follow-up would then tell a different story. We used to see that sort of thing a lot on here when lots of people posted follow-ups. For instance, if OP can't stand the bride or groom but her boyfriend's ex got on with them she might be very happy that her boyfriend didn't drag her there as his +1. A statement like "I know you can't stand Sheila so I invited Sarah to go with me" covers the lack of invitation. Now if that's not what happened, yeah OP should be angry and probably should dump her boyfriend. But I always get suspicious now when someone does something that is really bad but is still referred to as a boyfriend rather than as an ex-boyfriend.

People should not be inviting their exes to weddings in the first place.

If they are still friends, and it isn't going to cause problems with your current partner, why the hell not?

We need more info. Did he take his ex as his plus one? Or was she there because she new who was getting married as well? Do you know the married couple? Some people might not want someone they don't know at their wedding, even if they're in a relationship with one of their guests.

you might be a side chick if.................

Mungolikecandy 19

I am waiting for the FML "I went to a wedding with my boyfriend and shortly afterwards found out he has another girlfriend!".