By thankspops - 29/09/2010 23:04 - United States

Today, I found out that the $200 a week I was paying my dad for my car insurance and payment, wasn't actually paying my insurance and car payment. How did I find out he wasn't paying? Repo man took my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 653
You deserved it 3 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Father of the year. I'm so sorry, op. F your life indeed. :(

Well, now you know to never ever trust your father again, darling!~


Wow. Father of the year. I'm so sorry, op. F your life indeed. :(

Marvin_Android 0

Sounds dreadful. One simply can't trust anybody, especially those close to them. But your father probably did you a favor in the long run; the sooner you learn that awful lesson, the better off you are. Owning a car is pointless in the grand scheme of things anyway, just like anything else you will ever do. Life. Don't talk to me about life.

ZoroFresh 0

pops can get sued for mishandling your affairs bro get at him in a court of law


So operation Repo team took your car huh? lol did you get beat up by Matt?!?!

I don't think anyone here notices it's OP's fault. $200...per WEEK? Car insurance is paid every 6 months and payment is 1 month. OP's fault.

If you want things done..better to do it yourself.

Well, now you know to never ever trust your father again, darling!~

where do you think all the new **** channels came from?

urmmm... sorry to hear that, mate. agree with mirorbo, never trust your father anymore!

schwancy 2

Maybe he's using that money to buy you an even better car!! ... but that's highly unlikely.

DarkHelmet 10
ucofresh 4

Yuck.. I've stories like these before. It definitely sucks because the repo company and/or car company has no care in the world what goes on. If they aren't getting the installment regardless what's going on, the consumer is definitely eff'd! Sorry OP!!

ucofresh 4

ive heard** stories.... Forgot the most important word! lol

iSexxxy 0

That'd be awesome if you were on Repo..

erik02gutierrez 0

$200 a week for car insurance? That's a lot man. I pay $131 a month for mine lol

well he said car insurance and the car note. I'm guess the majority of that goes to the note. either that or he's a young driver with a fast car. either way. FYL

it was insurance + car payments, so the amount makes a bit of sense.

read the damn fml, nipple boy. put that shirt down, dumbass!