By Anonymous - 12/12/2010 06:08 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of almost two years proposed to me. Everything was perfect. The ring was beautiful. And seconds after I said yes, he went to play his new Xbox game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 728
You deserved it 7 996

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bobsanction 18

Oh boo ******* hoo. He obviously loves you enough to propose. Quit being a selfish bitch.


redsoxcutie2 0

Maybe you should work on understanding men before you ruin your life together.

RBW5 2

u had to know this might be his M.O.

perdix 29

You'd think after getting you a ring, he'd earn a chance to play in your box.

Cheekylozza 3

Lmao perdix, I love your comments.

LMAO get used to it and learn how to play. I set up a game room for my hubby so he's happy playing his PS3 and I'm happy playing my XBox360 in the living room =)

chexi 0

just be glad that the hole in his COD (or whatever game) is too small, other wise he wouldn't need you at all! :p