Are the straights OK?

By ok sure - 23/05/2023 00:02

Today, my daughter is almost never included in activities my family has for their daughters. I’ve been told mine is “too wild” and “unladylike” because she likes being barefoot, climbing trees, and playing with animals. Meanwhile, they have their 10-12 year-olds in weaves, acrylics, makeup, and heels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 076
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can’t help but feel like making your ten-year-old wear high heels, makeup and acrylics should be classified as a form of child abuse. You keep being a good parent to your kiddo

Sounds like you are dodging a whole armory of bullets. Scouts BSA has girl troops. The leadership curriculum is the same just separate from the boys. (and no blasted cookie sales). Even If she is not included with the other family members, you stay active in her life. That will be the best thing to help develop quality character.


I can’t help but feel like making your ten-year-old wear high heels, makeup and acrylics should be classified as a form of child abuse. You keep being a good parent to your kiddo

Sounds like you are dodging a whole armory of bullets. Scouts BSA has girl troops. The leadership curriculum is the same just separate from the boys. (and no blasted cookie sales). Even If she is not included with the other family members, you stay active in her life. That will be the best thing to help develop quality character.

You made certain choices about your child and how to raise her. Obviously opposing the culture you grow up in. The price is that she is left out. The responsibility is completely yours for good or bad

your daughter is normal and well grounded, the fact that she loves animals means she has a good heart. she has plenty of time for Louis Vuittons later. don't be surprised if the other girls end up being mothers young.

To be fair, I'm sure your daughter would be bored to tears having to paint her nails and face, tease her hair, and parade endlessly in different outfits in front of her cousins.

Find new people to hang around with. I would rather have my 10 yr old acting and playing like a 10 yr.old then trying to grow up too fast.